Charcoat RBRS and benefits

Moneta Yazı İşleri

The RBRS specification is delivering physical properties essential in repairing conveyor belt systems during live operation as well as excellent adhesion to rubber in most applications for harsh mineral processing and other related industries.

The RBRS & SP (primer) system consists of amalgamation in formulation, incorporating an advanced 100% solids primer and 100% pure polyurea, designed to spray wet on wet and chemically fuse in minutes. The unique Shield-Prime SP is specially formulated to adhere to rubber without the use of potentially dangerous solvent etching or use of low flash point highly solvated primers. RBRS uses physical cross-linking between the primer and the rubber conveyor belt and then the primer to the polyurea.

The RBRS system will allow an asset owners to rejuvenate and give life extension to their conveyor rubber systems in a time effective fashion without having to do a cold repair to the damaged system or complete a full replacement if a wire is caught resulting in a belt failure. RBRS “PURE” Polyurea’s advanced formulation offers the longest recoat windows and is designed to maintain interlayer integrity.

RBRS Benefits

  • Superior Impact & Abrasion/Wear Resistance.
  • High Elongation / Chemical/ Chloride Resistant
  • QUV approved / Low Shrinkage/ Volatile Free

ShieldPrime – SP

  • No Solvents 100% Solids
  • Superior Cross Linking
  • Excellent Chemical Resistance

RBRS – Minimal Downtime

The RBRS system can be placed back into service within 1-2 hours of application (depending on substrate and material temperatures at the time of application). This minimizes shutdown to a matter of hours, rather than days or weeks.

The polyurea repair is likely to outlast the original rubber under the same application conditions (can vary depending on chemical exposure).

RBRS system has both excellent adhesion properties and wear properties on Rubber Belt conveyors transporting large hard rock ore materials. This is good insurance for Mining Companies and material handling operations while offering a great reduction in maintenance costs. Additionally, reducing risk of belt failure due to an exposed wire being caught in a scraper causing an unscheduled down time event for the mining company then leading to replacing a large belt of this size. The RBRS is system unlike any other on the market being solvent free and designed to tear sectional rather than total catastrophic delamination risking life and equipment in the event of a failure. This is recognized in the overall risk assessment and puts the RBRS system at the forefront of operational and stationary conveyor repair systems.

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